Homecoming Week 2022

Marist High School celebrates it’s annual homecoming week starting September 17th with a series of a events both during and after school.

The MHS News Staff

Saturday, September 17th

Disco is the theme for this year’s Freshman/Sophomore Homecoming Dance on Saturday, September 17th at 7:30PM. The theme is different from the Junior/Senior dance which is neon. If a student wants to participate in this year’s disco themed homecoming they must download a permission form and have it signed by a parent or guardian.

Monday, September 19th

The Monday of spirit week the theme is what you wear to work day.  On September 19th, you will wear something you would wear to work.  Also, there will be karaoke at lunch where sing-a-longs and hearing your favorite songs will take place.

At night, our varsity soccer team will be facing Carmel Catholic High School. They look to beat Carmel this year and start our week strong. Good luck boys!

Tuesday, September 20th

Tuesday’s spirit dress down theme will be Greasers from The Outsiders for upperclassmen and Country Club for underclassmen. Upperclassmen are able to dress up in outfits inspired by the 1983 movie The Outsiders such as blue jeans, short sleeve shirts, and leather/plaid jackets while underclassmen can wear outfits that consist of khaki pants/shorts, pleated skirts, plaid golf shirts, and preppy dresses/shirts. During lunch there will be a gold long putt activity.

Marist’s boys varsity tennis team will be facing off against Marian Catholic.  The game will be held on Tuesday, September 20th at 4:30pm in the tennis court behind the school.  Marist is in it to win it against Marian.

Wednesday, September 21st

On Wednesday, September 21, students will dress for a beach party. They can wear an outfit suitable for the beach, such as a t-shirt, shorts, sunglasses or a beach hat. In addition to this, there will be a mechanical surfboard for students to pose with and ride during lunch.

At night, Marist junior and senior girls face off in the annual powder puff football game at 7:30pm at Red and White Stadium. Juniors in attendance should wear pink and seniors wear black in support of the girls. The seniors look to defend their title which was won in an intense overtime showdown last year.

Thursday, September 22nd

On Thursday our theme will be based on year level.  Seniors will wear blue, juniors will wear pink, sophomores will wear green,  freshmen will wear orange, and faculty and staff in red.  Please dress accordingly!

Marist girls volleyball will play Mother McAuley the night of September 22nd. Starting the night off will be freshmen B at 6 p.m in the main gym and the rest of the teams will follow as they finish.

Friday, September 23rd

On Friday, spirit week‘s dress down theme will be a red and white day.  Students and staff can show school spirit by wearing any clothing in our school colors. During lunch there will be a pie in the face activity.  The school week will cap off with a rally on Friday afternoon.

The Homecoming football game against Marmion Academy will be here at Marist on Friday, September 23rd at 7:00pm. The theme is USA so wear all your red, white, and blue gear to show your support!

Saturday, September 24th

The Homecoming Dance for Juniors and Seniors on Saturday, September 24th from 7-10! The theme of the dance is Neon so be prepared for the bright lights.