Tips for Finals

May 15, 2023
Ok so we all know that finals are a stressful part of our high school career. However, don’t worry! I’m here to help with some tips from Ms. Kelly, Ms. Sweeney, and Ms. Lewis.
- Create a graphic organizer (use Inspirations or other computer-generated program) to represent one or many concepts.
- Create a formal or informal outline for one or more chapters/units.
- Create flashcards for any/all vocabulary terms.
- Create a mnemonic (acrostic, acronym, peg, loci, story, or song).
- Create visual prompts to recall concepts or terms (can be on paper or note cards).
- Record yourself reading through outlines or notes and listen to recording at least 2x’s.
- Rewrite your notes that you will be responsible for on the exam.
- Create a study group with other members in this class and study. Group will have to coordinate so that all material is being covered in the sessions.
- Talk to your teacher and make sure you are focusing on the right material.
- Start studying early! Don’t cram the night before.
- Create a distraction free environment to study for your exams.
- Get a good night’s sleep before each exam.
- Do the simple questions first to help build confidence for the harder questions.
- Focus on the question at hand. Do not let your mind wander on other things.
Good luck on finals Redhawks! Have an amazing summer!