Juniors had the opportunity to explore future paths at the college and career planning event, RedHawks Take Flight Friday, February 7 at Marist High School. The planned half day was intended to help students as they get closer to graduating Marist and prepare for college.
School and career counselors said they aimed to educate juniors about their futures, about majors, and the college admissions process.
“The goal was to provide initial college and career counseling to kickstart the junior planning process,” said College Counselor Mrs. Allison Culver.
The workshop included 17 college representatives and 20 career professionals talking about personal experiences in specific majors and job opportunities that come with certain college majors.
“We wanted to offer our students many different opportunities in their future education and career paths,” says Culver.
The day was planned with students separated into four groups and each hearing a new lecture. Some lessons offered were how to start with college admission processes and ACT test scores for certain majors.
“The presentations given really helped me understand what I needed to do for my major and how to start applying for certain colleges,” said junior Ellie Madden.
As well as offering Marist counselor presentations, there were also career professionals who visited to offer insight into job opportunities and their majors. The 20+ professional leaders came from many different professions, such as business, architect, and nursing to name a few.
“I thought the part of visiting all career tables to be the best part as they offer a lot of experience into what they did for college and now what they do for their profession,” says Madden.
The day also included visiting a college admissions representative and hearing about what they offer in education. Each classroom was divided to each explained major from liberal arts, education, and health and sciences to much more.
“A lot of schools stuck out to me because of all the offerings they had and it felt like they could help me in the future when deciding on my major and future career path,” says Madden.
Near the end of the day juniors went to the main gym and given further opportunities to hear about each school and where they were located. Students were also encouraged to speak to the college representatives and ask them any questions they might have.
“I really enjoyed being able to take part near the end of the workshop and speaking to bigger schools like Iowa and Mizzou,” says Madden.