Marist has seen an extraordinarily high number of absences between both students and teachers over the past week. Marist administration and staff have speculated various illnesses are the biggest reason behind the decline in attendance.
“We are seeing a lot of cases of flu, but there is also many cases of RSV, Strep, COVID, and vomiting,” said Mrs. Mandy Gaida, the school nurse.
Gaida also believes a large number of absences are injuries, or faculty nursing sick children at home. The increase in sick children during this season means teachers with kids may have to stay home and care for their own children.
Absences typically tend to peak at this time of year. The attendance office reported over 300 absences on Monday, February 3, including 25 teachers.
The nurse has advice to students who are sick or not feeling well.
“Kids should be hand washing and staying home for 24 hours if they have a fever, vomit, or aren’t feeling well,” said Gaida. “When kids are sick and missing school for three days they want to come to catch up on work but they need to stay home to rest.”
Rest allows a body time to recover, but it also isolates the student from infecting other peers, which is why it is encouraged.
Visiting the doctor when ill is also important. It not only gives you the opportunity to identify and treat your illness, but it may further help administrators understand what is going around at the school.