As winter grinds on, Marist High School, like many other schools, must evaluate weather conditions to determine whether classes will proceed as scheduled or if a snow day or cold day is necessary.
Understanding the key weather conditions that lead to these decisions can help students, faculty, and parents better prepare for potential school closures or delays.
Going forward, a snow or cold day will likely result in e-learning, according to Dean of Underclassman Don Pirkle. The teachers will post assignments to Canvas and students will need to turn in their assignments by the due date.
A cold day happens when temperatures are extremely low, potentially putting students at risk of frostbite or hypothermia while waiting for buses or walking to school from their cars.
“If the temperature is going to be below 0°F for the duration of the day coupled with wind chills that are in excess of 20°F, or -20°F, we decide to start the process to figure out what we want to do,” said Pirkle.
Marist had its first cold day of this winter season declared on January 21, when the temperature was -3°F at 7 a.m. Students engaged in e-learning instead of in-person classes.
Marist, like many schools, uses buses to transport students, and low temperatures can cause mechanical issues, especially if temperatures fall below 10°F. School districts take into account the potential delays or disruptions in transportation caused by freezing conditions to decide whether to cancel in-person classes.
Snow can have the same negative impact on travel. Accumulation can lead to delayed or canceled bus routes, as snowplows may not be able to clear roads in time for buses to run safely.
A snow day happens when accumulation amounts to six inches or more, which can lead to dangerous driving conditions making it unsafe for students to travel to and from school.
“Since we have so many kids coming from so many different areas, we need to take into consideration that it gets hard for students to get to school. So I think cold days are necessary at times,” said Coach Rob Topps.
Snow and cold days at Marist are limited because they have to be added to the end of the year if not made up with e-learning. Without virtual classes, missed days extend the school year, pushing graduation and other events into summer. This creates a need to balance between ensuring student safety and managing the academics.
“I’m happy when we get snow days because we have a day off, but I also don’t want to have more days at the end of the year. It was the longest summer break possible,” said junior Faye Bouck.
The decision to declare a cold day or snow day at Marist is not taken lightly and involves a careful assessment of various weather conditions.
“The first thing we discuss is the safety of students traveling to school in those conditions. We also speak to other schools to see what they are considering,” said Principal Meg Dunneback.
By considering factors such as temperature, wind chill, snow accumulation, and road conditions, Marist prioritizes the safety and well-being of its students, ensuring that no student is put at unnecessary risk due to severe weather.
Parents, students, and faculty should stay tuned to weather alerts and school communications for updates during winter weather events to stay informed and prepared.