It occurred to me, on one of my many, many, many sleep deprived, eye-bag poppin’ days that there is a physical, common cringe most of us have been reduced to. I am obviously and unfortunately talking about mewing.
According to TikTok, mewing is the “most effective” way to get a perfect jawline. You basically lift your tongue to the roof of your mouth and purse in your cheeks. Right now, you are probably following these steps and thinking, “Is it working?”
Today I will respond and wholeheartedly say: “No, and please stop trying.”
I felt that most high school students would have some sort of common knowledge about this myth, but man I was so wrong. The amount of students, older than me even, that walk through the hallways with their chest puffed out wearing a proud ‘mew’ along their face is seriously disturbing.
I think it’s even more embarrassing that they think it looks good. The look of pure pride and glow they have is inspiring and smile inducing, but am I the one that has to tell them how they look constipated?
If you think I’m being mean or overly critical, you probably mew and are just sad that you’re not getting the overnight Hadid look you’ve been craving.
To sum it up, don’t trust TikTok, don’t mew, but most importantly: embrace your double chin.