This past summer, Marist has received numerous additions and changes to the campus. A
hallway mural, new landscaping, and brand new furniture for the ARC are just a few of the many
renovations that have been completed for this school year.
Amongst the most noticeable of upgrades: a new colorful mural on the previously empty wall
next to the counseling department. The mural depicts the Chicago skyline next to the Marist
RedHawk perched on top of the 115th and Pulaski street sign. The mural’s vibrant background is
what makes it so eye-catching.
“The first day of school I was surprised to see [the mural]. It definitely looks a lot better now that
there’s something there,” said senior Nate Vogel.
Walking through the breezeway, students will notice the brand new landscaping. Two butterflyand hummingbird gardens were added; one by the Mary statue, and the other by the science wing
courtyard. These gardens helped fill empty space and make the breezeway look a little more
“The new landscaping and gardens look a lot nicer than just grass. I think it makes the breezeway feel more comfortable,” said senior Vincent Delfavro.
More specifically, the garden is located behind the bench in the grass field next to the breezeway.
A patch of soil with new flowers surrounds a beautifully crafted wooden bench. The garden by
the science wing also displays new flowers and plants alike.
This summer, Marist made use of the ARC’s extra space by adding the new College and Career
Center. Here, students are able to meet with college counselors and discuss their future or receive
guidance. Each counselor has their own desk where students can privately meet and get work
Along with the brand new College and Career Center, the rest of the ARC and library underwent
a complete makeover this summer. New tables, chairs and couches replace the old wooden
furniture. New carpeting and shelves for the library is expected soon. The walls were also
repainted and new electricity was installed.
The new furniture and desks are completely re-arranged, giving the ARC a vastly different, more
open look. Students can now more comfortably get work done and study.
“The college and career center and brand new ARC has a completely different vibe. It feels
newer for sure,” said junior Gabe Beltran.
Some other less noticeable but still beneficial upgrades are new air conditioning units in a few
classrooms, along with heating and air finally being installed at the off-campus Larry Tucker
Sportsplex. This, for the most part, puts the finishing touch on the Sportsplex. Now, only a few
classrooms remain with no air conditioning.