A spring slump happens typically after spring break. With only a couple weeks of school left, students start losing motivation. Attendance rates during this time decline. Grades tend to drop, too. Marist is not immune to this syndrome.
Students tend to feel a lack of engagement. The change from sleeping in, staying home, doing what you want during the day, and living off your own schedule, to waking up early and going to school can also mess up some students’ minds and leave them feeling very anxious.
“After spring break I really don’t want to go to school anymore. When I go to school I get really distracted because I feel like my attention span just drops. I get super anxious for summer break,” student Grace Shanahan says.
When students can’t seem to focus, grades tend to drop. It could be because students don’t turn in their assignments on time or doze off during class, which results in poor class work.
“Even though there [are] only a few weeks left of school to push through, I just don’t want to do school work anymore. I feel way more tired than usual after spring break,” student Lila Campillo says.
Spring slumps can bring in what’s called a “spring depression.” Winter is usually a time where everyone feels more down because of the cold weather and lack of sunshine. But during spring, some people will still feel lonely and they feel even more lonely knowing that everyone else feels happier now that winter is done.
There are ways to deal with a spring slump.
To better yourself mentally, prioritize the most important things or people in your life who bring joy. Finding an outlet to deal with stress like journaling, exercising, etc. also helps.
With academics, set goals and create rewards for reaching them. For example, setting a goal to not have any missing assignments by the end of the school week, with a treat as the reward.
Students should do things that make them happy while also managing their school work. Going out with friends to let loose can work wonders.
“I go outside and just play volleyball. It helps with stress and after that I’ll go do my school work. If I have a really bad and stressful day I’ll rant to someone that I trust about it,” says student Natalie Thesuch.