Marist’s mission for the past century has been to make Jesus known and loved. As a Marist school, students and teachers are often reminded of the mission and how they can implement Jesus into their everyday lives.
“Using your actions, treating others the way you want to be treated, and getting up everyday with a smile is making Jesus known and loved,” said Principal Dunneback.
The phrase doesn’t only mean telling others about Jesus, but being empathetic and showing kindness to each other.
“Try and act like Jesus. We are Jesus’s representatives here on earth and we can forgive our enemies and show appreication towards others,” said religion teacher Ms. Ende.
Marist has many opportunities for students and faculty to volunteer and help those in need. Marist sports teams, student council, and clubs often make food for the homeless as a way to make Jesus prominent at Marist.
“I see Jesus in the people at Marist that work behind the scenes to help others, and those who donate very generously to Marist,” said Brother Rich.
Marist has hosted many events this past year to help support the financial aid program. They hosted A night of Honor, Glory and Fame in December at the new Larry Tucker SportsPlex. Marist raised $575,000 from that night alone.
More recently a generous donor gave two Taylor Swift tickets to raffle off to help raise money for the program. The raffle also included $5,000 dollars in airfare and spending, cash and a three-night stay at a hotel in Paris.
“Marist has a lot of community service opportunities, when you’re helping others in Marist’s name, you’re making Jesus known and loved,” said Brother Rich.
Marist offers peer leadership or a choice of community (senior) service for seniors. Peer leaders help students in the Marcellin programs at Marist. Teachers will often have them check work, grade, or teach those who have been absent for a lesson.
Community servers go out to grade schools, nursing homes, and special education schools. Senior servers help teachers with various tasks such as helping the kids learn, doing crafts, and grading homework. At nursing homes students will help the nurses do rounds, serve, and help the elders.
Marist also has very obvious ways of making Jesus known at school.
“Jesus is in the masses we attend, the prayer services, retreats, and religion classes,” said Ende.
Marist requires at least three years of religion courses. During these courses students learn about the Bible, Jesus, His descendants, and how Christians can grow closer to God.
Marist hopes to continue their mission for years and generations to come.
“If all of Marist can make an effort to be more like Jesus, people will see Jesus in us,” said Ende.