Students discuss the purpose of homework almost every day. Some students think homework is
helpful and some think it is not needed. I personally think homework is useful and teaches
students different things.
Students complain about how much homework they get daily, so MHS Media conducted a poll
of 30 fifth through tenth grade students asking their opinion on homework. 73% of the
students think they get too much, and 27% think they get the right amount.

I believe there are times I get too much homework, but normally feel the right amount of homework is assigned. No, I am not saying teachers should increase the amount of homework, but the amount they give is good.
Teachers assign homework because they want their students to understand what they are
teaching. When I get homework, I understand the curriculum better. I rarely feel confused about
the topic afterward. I believe homework is used as an extra way of practice. 60% of the students
think they benefit from it.
I use homework to boost and benefit my grades. In some classes, just completing the work gives
an extra boost. 66% of students always complete their homework. I asked the 33% of students
who do not do their homework if they are happy with their grades, and 60% of them are not
happy or unsatisfied. I’m satisfied with my grades when I complete all my homework.
Students getting homework help develop different study habits that will help them throughout
their academic career.
Homework doesn’t just teach students school related-topics, but it also teaches them important
life skills. Doing homework from a young age has taught me lessons I cannot learn in a
classroom. It helps with time management, priorities, and problem-solving.
Time management is an important skill to have in life. Many students who have extra curricular activities outside of school and have to juggle multiple demands and it’s good for them.
Teaching students to set priorities is another way homework benefits students. When students get assigned lots of work, it may get overwhelming, but knowing how to prioritize helps.
I have been a student-athlete for many years, and I have grown into a person who manages my
time well. Balancing school, sports, and homework isn’t always easy, but learning how to
manage my time well has made things better.
Problem-solving and critical thinking are two essential skills that homework teaches. Homework
is not always a piece of cake and challenges students. When the work doesn’t go as planned,
students must problem solve and think harder.
Homework doesn’t just set people up for success in the classroom but sets them up for the future
as well.
I don’t like doing homework, but at the end of the day, I know it is needed for me to succeed.